What “Livin’ the Dream” looks like for me

What “Livin’ the Dream” looks like for me

  1. A strong marriage that is mutually supportive of one another. Most days we go on a walk together and take times to reflect on what is going on our day. Some months ago we were struggling with some unusual stressors with our children in major life transitions. With some supportive people in our lives, we are back on track to an improved marriage.
  2. Our children are mature, confident as students, great at their work, devoted to God, and joy-filled. We invested in them through home-schooling and the fruit has been abundant. Kudos to my wife in her accompaniment of them on their entire journey.
  3. Our household is in order. We live well below our means. No debt. No mortgage. Saving aggressively to live to age 100 (my dad is 99, Kris’s grandma was nearly 104). We are simplifying our lives, decluttering, and minimizing household tasks and maintenance so we can be, live, serve and play more.
  4. I have a Decades Life Plan that reflects on what I envision each decade will be devoted to (what kind of work/service, who I’ll be pouring into, priorities and goals).
  5. Optimal Health– Given that I could live to 100 like my dad, I have been diligent in making changes to my eating/drinking habits that lower my cholesterol & brings my weight down to my high school weight. I have a rhythm of yoga classes at the YMCA 3X a week along with circuit training and sprint cycling class. Regular walking, hiking, golf and softball have kept my cardio strong. My goal is to feel strong, high energy and mobility, quick around the bases, relaxed and flexible in the body, and refreshed in the mind (outdoors/nature).
  6. Freedom and margin– I receive 5 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of Continuing Education, which is ample time for adventure and refreshment. This will increase into my 60’s and beyond. I prefer a schedule of total flexibility to “seize the moment” when an opportunity arises. I resolve not to be “busy”. Busy leads to stress, a tight schedule, and a state of being overwhelmed, tired or feeling behind. I like to be proactive, ahead of the deadline, and free to go wherever the Spirit leads.
  7. Generous– We have been abundantly blessed. God has given us ample gifts, skills and abilities to bless/serve others. We have “more than enough” resources to share when an opportunity arises for us to give. In our 60’s and beyond, we intend to be outrageously generous with our time, talents and treasures.
  8. Generations– Kris and I are pouring our lives and resources into our children, and God willing, into their children and their children’s children. This takes intentional communication, relationship building, creative “memorable moments”, and long-term relational capital.
  9. Mission– I have a Mission Statement, Life Plan, and Vision/Dream that help me be intentional, focused, and fruitful with the days God has given me. We were made for a purpose & God is working in our lives all the time to fulfill His purpose through us. Are we listening to the Spirit’s leading & seizing the moments the Spirit gives us throughout the day?
  10. Side by side leads to face to face– I love playing sports. Golf is my favorite. So, I work about 5 hours a week at the local golf course (1 mile away!) and get free golf/cart/guest plus a small hourly wage. This allows me to invite friends and people I meet to golf anytime so as to get to know them more. 1) I get to be a little generous in covering the round. 2) We get to ride together for a few hours side by side in God’s beautiful creation. 3) The 19th hole, face-to-face leads to deeper sharing. Other sports include: fishing, softball, kayaking, biking, hiking, etc.
  11. What makes your heart sing? Actually, I love singing and playing guitar. So, I lead worship weekly with a lead guitarist and harmony vocalist and we also do gigs in the community (folk, classic rock, bluegrass, gospel music). I get such great pleasure hearing people sing along or even moving along, sometimes dancing. There is joy is singing and music. Back in 2005 I made an extensive CD of 20 songs called Passions &Priorities & gave 2000 away. That’s how I want to live my life…using my God given gifts and giving them all away.

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